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Good luck with all your exams!

I know many of you have already had your first exam, so I guess I should have wished you luck a little bit earlier, but I also know (from all the great #teamsunnivarose snaps you send me - some of you are really working hard; GREAT JOB! ) that many of you have one or more exams left so I just want to say:
Good Luck to all students who are having exams these days! 
I also want to give you one tip, in addition to telling you to remember it's all going to be worth it, of course (and also remember that if it goes to h**l, that's actually not the end of the world either; worst case you have to do it over again, there are far much worse things in the world than that 😉 ): try the Pomodoro Technique if you're one of those who are having problems with concentration and procastination... In short it goes like this:
  1. Decide on some task to be done (doing exercises, reading, writing a summary, answering e-mails or whatever)
  2. Set a timer to 25 minutes (this is one Pomodoro
  3. Work until the timer rings (and don't do anything else than the task you decided on in those 25 minutes)
  4. Take a break for 5 minutes (go and get a coffee, check Facebook, go to the toilet or whatever)
  5. Do another Pomodoro, and after 4 you have to take a longer break - at least 15 minutes, but it can be longer 😀
I guess this is sort of the academics answer to interval training 😛
And remember: when you're working hard, be proud and show it at #teamsunnivarose <3
I'm rooting for you!

4 kommentarer til “Good luck with all your exams!

  1. Gitte

    Å, herlig med eksamenspepp! Tusen takk! : D Prøver å være flink med mine pomodoros, men ender alltid opp med å tenke "næh, trenger ikke pause ennå" og jobber videre - helt til jeg blir kjempesliten og tar en lang, uplanlagt pause. Ops. :')

  2. Sunniva

    Fy, du må huske å 'respect the tomato' 😉
    Lykke til med eksamen, da - og husk at det er utrolig viktig for både hjernen og kroppen og få slike mikro-pauser...kanskje det hjelper å minne seg på (skrive stor lapp og henge opp der man leser?) at du totalt sett kommer til å prestere bedre hvis du tar 5-minutterne? 😀


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