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Asymmetriske Sunniva på 17.mai |
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Søteste barna; niese Andrea, Alexandra og nevø Arian - ved 17.mai-bordet hos mormor 🙂 |
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Vi hadde til og med to flagg som ikke var norske på bordet; hjemmelaget svensk, og finsk flagg...;) |
Altså, really?! Nei, anslagene varierer IKKE mellom 50 000 og 2 000 000! Har han bare funnet på to tilfeldige tall, eller?!?
The total number of deaths already attributable to Chernobyl or expected in the future over the lifetime of emergency workers and local residents in the most contaminated areas is estimated to be about 4000. This includes some 50 emergency workers who died of acute radiation syndrome and nine children who died of thyroid cancer, and an estimated total of 3940 deaths from radiation-induced cancer. (...) The estimated 4000 casualties may occur during the lifetime of about 600 000 people under consideration. As about quarter of them will eventually die from spontaneous cancer not caused by Chernobyl radiation, the radiation-induced increase of about 3% will be difficult to observe.
Confusion about the impact has arisen owing to the fact that that thousands of people in the affected areas have died of natural causes. Also, widespread expectations of ill health and a tendency to attribute all health problems to radiation exposure have led local residents to assume that Chernobyl related fatalities were much higher than they actually were.
About 4000 cases of thyroid cancer, (...), have resulted from the accident's contamination and at least nine children died of thyroid cancer; however the survival rate among such cancer victims has been almost 99%.
The team of international experts found no evidence for any increase in the incidence of leukemia and cancer among affected residents. (Bortsett fra skjoldbruskkjertelkreft/thyroid cancer.)
Most emergency workers and people living in contaminated areas recieved relatively low whole body radiation doses, comparable to natural background levels. (...) no evidence or likelyhood of decreased fertility among the affected population has been found, nor has there been any evidence of increases in congenital malformations that can be attributed to radiation exposure.
nge, fullstendig unødvendige, provoserte aborter på kvinner i Vest-Europa - som da hadde mottatt doser som følge av Tsjernobyl-nedfall som var mye lavere enn det de fikk på feks en flytur. Der kan vi jo evt begynne å snakke om "dødsfall" etter Tsjernobyl, og vi kan snakke om hva frykt og uvitenhet kan forårsake...
Du har denne rapporten som er direkte respons på den du siterer. http://www.chernobylreport.org/torch.pdf
Kan være greit å referere mer enn en kilde, eller iallefall anerkjenne eksistensen. Dermed blir antallet dødsfall mellom 4.000 og 30.000-60.000.
Hei, takk for tips 🙂
Spent på å lese!