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To program or not to program?

I did not at all get through my TO DO list today, and I hate it...:/ (I didn't even get to start at what I had planned on doing.)
I was supposed to read the two papers I'm co authoring, work on my TEDx talk (for Bergen in just a little more than a week - HELP!), get through some of the emails on my endless unanswered emails list, and try to log into the computer that I used for reactor simulations a couple of years ago, to try to get one of the input files that should be there (I'm pretty sure I don't remember the password anymore 🙁 ).
Instead I ended up spending more or less all of the day "programming" - a.k.a. feeling so incredibly stupid. I really want to learn, and be better, but it's hard...I guess maybe I feel the same way about programming that some people do about math.

Tomorrow I have to be better! Not because it in any way is wrong to spend time on trying to work on my programming skills, but because I have deadlines, and right now there is unfortunately no room for anything else than what HAS to be done... Why does everything take so much time, especially things you need to learn like almost from scratch?!? *frustration*  

Last night we celebrated science and the Norwegian Research Council's Festaften at Oslo Concert Hall. Here are a couple of pictures taken by Yngve Vogt:
- flirting with the boyfriend - 

- discussing with the professor - 

9 kommentarer til “To program or not to program?

  1. Sunniva

    C++ er det programmet jeg prøver å lære meg litt mer av. Stort sett alt vi/jeg gjør har på en eller annen måte med programmering å gjøre; fra å sortere dataene fra eksperimenter, til å bruke koder til å jobbe videre med resultater, til å plotte og manipulerer data, og å jobbe med reaktor- brenselssimuleringer - feks 🙂

  2. Anders Schau Knatten

    But programming *is* hard! Trust me, I've done it for 20 years. And as you suggest, it is exactly like math, you have to practice a lot to get good at it. I once dropped out of a math course due to lack of foundational skills, it's not something I could just pick up over the course. It's exactly the same with programming, try to solve hard problems without being comfortable with the basics, and you'll end up sitting there feeling stupid all day. Not the best words of comfort, I guess. :/

  3. Anders Schau Knatten

    But programming *is* hard! Trust me, I've done it for 20 years. And as you suggest, it is exactly like math, you have to practice a lot to get good at it. I once dropped out of a math course due to lack of foundational skills, it's not something I could just pick up over the course. It's exactly the same with programming, try to solve hard problems without being comfortable with the basics, and you'll end up sitting there feeling stupid all day. Not the best words of comfort, I guess. :/

  4. Sunniva

    I totally understand it takes practice and practice and practice - but what I was thinking about when I said I feel the same way about it that some people do about math is that "anxiety"-feeling...you know: "no, no, no, I can't do this, I don't understand ANYTHING of what you're trying to tell me" 😛


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