Today's Friday Facts are not really facts (they are just highly my opinion...;) ), but my list of the top ten places to visit around the world, as a nuclear/reactor physicist. I'm not sure about the order, so that's quite random (except I think to me Chernobyl really is number one - I can't believe we didn't manage to go there when we were in Kiev two years ago).
1. Chernobyl - Ukraine
2. La Hague - France
3. Sellafield - UK
4. Olympic Dam - Australia
5. Olkiluoto - Finland
6. Fukushima - Japan
7. Three Mile Island - USA
8. Los Alamos - USA
9. Hirsohima - Japan
10. CERN - Switzerland
Now you know where to go when you're planning your next vacation 😉
The only place I can cross off the list is Hirsohima. I went there when we made Sushi and Nuclear last year. It was actually quite emotional to go there - it felt a little bit like a continuous punch in the stomach, to walk around the A-bomb Dome, which they left as it was after the bombing.
So, do you agree on my list? Or should some of the places be replaced?
CERN er en opplevelse for livet!
Savner absolutt Cadarache, fransk atomforskningssenter hvor man finner ITER. Bør kanskje være nr 1 på listen?
Tror Fukushima bør settes nederst på listen.......
Den siden virket ikke som den aller mest seriøse, men at det fins områder inne i et kjernekraftverk der det er den typen dosenivå er ikke nor rart (det ville vært rart om det ikke fantes 😉 ) - spørsmålet her er; hvor var dette, og hva var strålekilden?
Sant, takk for tips! Kan hende jeg må lage en oppdatert liste, men da er det jo noe som må ut, da...;)