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This has been a busy and kind of lazy day at the same time...
Yesterday, Alexandra wasn't feeling well, so she was picked up early from AKS. Luckily it was possible for her to attend school today (we don't want her to miss day three, right?), but no AKS, and also I wanted to be close by - just in case they called and said she couldn't be there anymore. Therefore I worked from home today. 
They didn't call, though, so I could focus 100% on the talk I gave at Riksarkivet today; I spent the morning finishing my talk, then I spent a certain amount of time on getting ready and picking out the perfect outfit (what I felt was "perfect" today 😉 ), and at one o'clock I left home.

The subject of my talk was the future, and a little bit about what I think will be important in the future. It's a tricky question, since so often before, smart people have been so off in their predictions. However, I do think we need to be able to process a lot of information, and we need math and physics and chemistry (and more - knowledge, really) to be able to do that. In order not to make really bad decisions for us self, and economy, and environment, and health...
My talk was at three, and I think I was back home again around five. Somehow I've been busy since then; spending time with Alexandra, washing clothes, and making food. But no science today :/
So it's been going non stop, from 6:30 this morning, 'till I sat down just now to write this, but also, I haven't done "anything". I'm still happy with the day, though - I gave a talk that went well (I think), and we'll go to bed soon (after we've eaten some hot chili <3 ), so that tomorrow I'll be super ready to work on the plotting/analysis program, and the talk about fission that I will give in Bruges in September (we're all going to practice together next week 😀 ).
Hope you're enjoying the evening! Kisses from here in Rose-castle <3

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