- TEDx - thorium and weapons and stuff (and maybe Titanic...;) )
- TALYS - finish it all (!)
- My paper - make the tables and the figures, and place them where they are (probably) supposed to be
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Fusion on a Friday
- Fusion is when two (light) nuclei merge (fuse) together to form a heavier nucleus - it's the opposite of fission. (Read more about fission HERE and HERE)
- When very light (atomic) nuclei, like for example hydrogen and hydrogen, or helium and helium, or hydrogen and helium, fuse, they produce energy 😀 😀
- The sun (and all other stars in the universe) get their energy from nuclei that are fusing (like hydrogen and hydrogen, or helium and helium, or hydrogen and helium - or other nuclei)
- The different elements in the periodic table (up to iron) are made from fusion in stars/suns (but the heavier ones, like gold, or thorium, or uranium, for example are made in the big explosions in space)
- If you check the mass of the nuclei you start out with, and the mass of the nucleus you get after the fusion (so, checking how much they weigh, that is), it weighs less after the fusion than before - this extra mass that suddenly is "gone" hasn't really disappeared, but it is released as energy <3 E=mc2 <3
- It would be really really cool if we could produce energy from fusion, like the sun is doing - but so far we can't do it...:/ (We manage to get nuclei to fuse, but we use more energy than what we get out.)
- Since nuclei is made out of protons and neutrons, they have a positive charge, and therefore they REALLY don't want to get so close to each other that they fuse - it's like trying to push the same pole of two extremely strong magnets together; it doesn't work (but it does work in the sun, since it's very hot and very high pressure, so there the nuclei just fuse all the time :D)
- I think it's really fascinating, and a little weird, that you get all this energy from two opposite reactions - either by fusing light nuclei, or splitting heavy ones... <3 nature <3
- If you managed to make a fusion power plant, you wouldn't have the problem with radioactive waste, that you get from a fission power plant (a normal nuclear power plant) - so that's very nice...
- ...however, fusion is hard :/ We don't manage to do it (without putting more energy in than we get out) yet; but who knows what will happen in the future...? 😉
Love song for nerds (*heart*)
See/hear the song HERE (seriously, DO IT ;))
Here's the lyrics - what do you think?
If I didn’t have you, life would be blue,
I’d be Doctor Who without the Tardis,
A candle without a wick,
A Watson without a Crick.
I’d be one of my outfits without a Dick-ie.
I’d be cheese without the mac,
Jobs without the Wozniak.
I’d be solving exponential equations
That use bases not found on your calculator,
Making it much harder to crack.
I’d be an atom without a bond,
A dot without the com,
And I’d probably still live with my mom.And he’d probably still live with his mom.
Ever since I met you,
You turned my world around.
You supported all my dreams and all my hopes.
You’re like Uranium 235 and I’m Uranium 238,
Almost inseparable isotopes.
I couldn’t have imagined
How good my life would get,
From the moment that I met you, Bernadette.
If I didn’t have you, life would be dreary.
I’d be string theory without any string.
I’d be binary code without a one, Cathode ray tube without an electron gun.
I’d be “Firefly”, “Buffy” and “Avengers” without Joss Whedon.
I’d speak a lot more Klingon:
Heghlu’meH QaQ jajvam.And he’d definitely still live with his mom.
Ever since I met you,
You turned my world around.
You’re my best friend and my lover.
We’re like changing electric and magnetic fields:
You can’t have one without the other.
I couldn’t have imagined
How good my life would get,
From the moment that I met you, Bernadette.
Oh, we couldn’t have imagined
How good our lives would get,
From the moment that we met you, Bernadette.
Risks in perspective (#Selfie)
Today I've been busy all day - doing close to no actual research (#phdlife 😛 ).
- smoking 20 cigarettes a day: 2370 days (6.5 years)
- being 20% overweight: 985 days (2.7 years)
- alcohol consumption (US average): 1 year
- mining and quarrying: 328 days
- construction accidents: 227 days
- car accidents: 207 days
- home accidents: 74 days
- receiving a dose of 10 milli Sievert per year, every year for 47 years: 51 days
- natural hazards (earthquakes, floods): 7 days
10 about thorium
Friday again. Suddenly!
- Thorium is element number 90 - which means it has 90 protons in its nucleus 🙂
- The kind of thorium you find in nature has 142 neutrons; so that "natural" thorium is called thorium-232 (90+142=232)
- In a nuclear reactor, thorium is changed (or transformed) into uranium-233 (a different kind, or version, of the more "normal" uranium-235) - and that's the reason why I'm studying that type of uranium even though I say I'm sort of working on the thorium fuel cycle 😛
- Thor Energy is a Norwegian company that is developing fuel pellets (nuclear fuel) made from a mixture of thorium and plutonium 😀
- The halflife of thorium-232 is around 14 billion years - it's the naturally occuring radioactive element with the longest halflife (if the halflife was infinite it would just be a normal, stable element 😉 )
- If you use thorium as a fuel in a reactor, you will produce small amounts of uranium-232, and that's kind of an issue since it makes the used thorium fuel extremely "hot" - meaning that it's very radioactive, and if you handled it the same way you handle used uranium fuel, you would get a lethal dose of radiation in a very short time
- The other major issue with thorium based fuels is that you have to mix it with something that will give you neutrons, since thorium needs neutrons to be changed into uranium-233, before it can fission (which is how you get any energy from the fuel in a nuclear power plant)
- Many people are very positive towards using thorium as a fuel in Molten Salt Reactors, but thorium can actually be used in any kind of reactor
- If you want to read something serious about thorium, and its use as fuel in nuclear power plants, you should read for example THIS from World Nuclear Association, or THIS from IAEA (The International Atomic Energy Agency) <3<3<3
- Thorium was discovered by a Swede, in Norway, and it was named after Thor - the Norse god of thunder 🙂
4 years!!! (oh. my. god.)
A million thanks to all of you who read my blog - I hope you will continue to "follow" me as I try to finish this PhD project. *kisses*
Fission on a Friday, part 2 (10 FACTS)
- in a reactor the nucleus does not split into two equally big parts - fission is not symmetric (one part/fission product is bigger/heavier than the other one)
- the term "fission" was borrowed from biology - binary fission, which means division at a cell into two or more parts 🙂
- in a fast reactor, the nucleus actually splits into two equal (or close to equal) nuclei, so fact number 1 is only true for the reactors we have today
- the fission products are radioactive
- since the fission products are radioactive they produce heat
- since the fission products produce heat, the fuel in a reactor must be cooled even after a reactor is turned off (and that was the problem at Fukushima - cooling of the used fuel/fission products)
- fission was discovered by Otto Hahn and Fritz Strassmann in December 1938
- Lise Meitner was the one who really understood, theoretically, what was going on (with fission), but she was a women and a jew at a time in history when it was not the best to be both woman and jew (especially not to be jewish, maybe) - she never got the nobel price for fission, but she should have had it together with Hahn
- the nucleus (like uranium-233 or uranium-235 or plutonium-239, for example) fissions much more easily when they are hit by really slow neutrons - instead of fast neutrons, with a lot of energy, which is maybe what you would first think was a good idea for dividing something into two…
- since you get extra, free, neutrons when a nucleus fissions, you can get a chain reaction and produce energy 😀