Hopp til innhold

Da er to uker på turne rundt i Norge, med  jenter og teknologi over.
Vi har vært innom alle Norges fylker, holdt 10 foredrag for nesten 3000 jenter, kjørt maaange timer i bil, sunget, sovet, og ledd. Det har vært veldig gøy, og en ære å få være med NHO på denne turen, og så skal det sies at det har vært intenst og ganske slitsomt, og nå er det vanvittig deilig å sitte under dynen i sengen (i rent sengetøy, som Anders hadde ordnet med før jeg kom <3) og bare slappe av. Anders sitter i skrivende stund og jobber med en rapport om doktorgradsarbeidet sitt, men så snart han er ferdig skal vi kose oss med Champagne og en film - jeg tenker litt i Pretty Woman-baner 🙂 Så da vil jeg egentlig bare ønske alle en skikkelig god helg, med sangen vi gaulet av full hals i bilen på vei til Sarpsborg i går kveld - Hakuna Matata!

I dag er det allerede torsdag, og dagen for det nest siste arrangementet på denne jenter og teknologi-turneen vår! Det betyr at vi er kommet oss godt sydover igjen (vi startet denne uken i Alta - selv har jeg aldri vært så langt nord før, faktisk), og Lillehammer, der vi er nå, føles nesten som å være hjemme igjen 😉 Vi har altså besøkt 8 byer, holdt 8 foredrag, og tilbrakt veeeeldig mange timer i bil, og vi har møtt godt over 2000 jenter som går i 9. og 10.-klasser rundt omkring.
I går var vi i Steinkjer, og der fikk jeg møte kjempesøte Othilie. Hun hadde reist helt fra Brønnøysund på morgenen for å få med seg Jenter og teknologi, så hun hadde startet dagen i bil klokken 5 på morgenen. Sånne historier gjør det å reise rundt på denne måten veldig verdt det! Til tross for savn, og stress, og at det er slitsomt.
Det positive med at det er slitsomt gjør forresten at jeg føler meg SKIKKELIG klar for å sitte på kontoret neste uke, og "bare" begrave meg i fisjon og gammastråling og nøytroner (hvis jeg får tid skal jeg også prøve å skirve et blogginnlegg om hvorfor det er vanskelig med disse hersens nøytronene i detektorene våre, og hvorfor de fine rådene jeg har fått inn, blant annet her på bloggen, ikke funker).

Fra Sunnmørsposten. Å oppleve sånst som dette er utrolig fint <3
Nå skal jeg inn på badet og få på meg ansiktete mitt (aka sminke meg), så r jeg klar for dagens foredrag her i Lillehammer. deretter hiver vi oss inn i den fine turné-vanen vår, og setter nesen mot Sarpsborg, der vi skal avslutte i morgen. Blir deilig med bare en slik liten svipptur, nærmest, nå, etter flere laaange turer - Norge er et langt land 😉

Right now
Yesterday I flew up to Alta, and reunited with Synne and Ellen. With had a great evening (we even saw the Northern lights!), and when we woke up this morning we were ready for the first "show" of the week - in Alta, of course. Right now, we're waiting for our flight to Bodø at Tromsø airport,. In Bodø we'll meet up with Ingeborg and Fred, and tomorrow we'll have the show there 🙂

"On the road again" - no doubt about it! We're going all around Norway in a van, with our logo on the side. We're sooo on the road 😀 
Coming to Gardermoen on Friday afternoon, and meeting my two favourite people. Anders and Alexandra were waiting for me, and seeing them again was absolutely fantastic <3
Leaving Oslo on Sunday. Not because I didn't want to go on tour again, because I really love this #jenterogteknologi-tour - but that doesn't mean I don't think it's hard to leave. Especially since Alexandra's told me several times this week that she didn't want me to go again :/

It was great being home with Anders and Alexandra, and for most of the time we had a fantastic time together. But, it seems as Anders has also pissed alexandra off when I've been gone (it's not very difficult to do something that Alexandra thinks is the worst thing in the world these days), and she made this drawing. It's Anders, and apparently he's a jerk 😛 (Notice the curly hair - I'm not sure if this is a look he should pursue, or not...)
Excitement, but also fear; when I let go of the excitement, even for just a minute, I feel a kind of fear, or extreme stress. I fear that this last article won't be worthy of publishing, and if so, what do I do? I need (?) the three articles. That's how a PhD works, and you never know when you start if what you do will actually be publishable. If it isn't, then too bad for you - you don't get a PhD (it's not like it's a charity thing: poor you, you tried so hard, we'll just give you the degree even if you din't publish sort of thing - that's not science).

Synne! She is one of the girls I'm travelling all around Norway these two weeks, and she is just a really cool person. Synne is funny and kind, and has so much energy, and she makes everyone around her laugh. I haven't known her for more than 7 days, but I believe she truly is a good person!
Ellen and I are the "role models" that speaks at every show, and Synne is the host 🙂

I don’t have as many readers as the regular girly blogger, but the ones that I do have are really fantastic, and dedicated. This week my favourite is Ellinor. When I get questions like these – oh my <3 Readers like this should definitely study physics, no doubt! JUST DO IT <3

Another week has just come to an end, and it's time to sum up. One of the conclusions is that I have survived the first of the three crazy weeks 🙂
Right now
Right now I've just come out of the shower, am in my bed at a hotel in Kristiansand, and looking forward to talk to several hundred girls about nuclear physics and research and stuff, and why I think science is awesome, tomorrow. My talk isn't completely ready yet - that will probably happen tomorrow morning during an early breakfast <3
Boost(s) of the week
When I had just finishing my talk on Bruges.
When Stephan Oberstedt came up to me after my talk and told me I gave a great talk.  
When I met this scientist from Uppsala who approached me and told me he really liked my blog and my outreach work. 
When I came back to Oslo and I met Alexandra and Anders <3 
When I was sitting in the Jacuzzi, as we were sailing out of Oslo on Friday, with all three kids and Anders, and a glass of Champagne.
Bummer(s) of the week
I’ll give you two.
1) The horrible night in Bruges, when it was hot as hell, and I was eaten up by mosquitos. It still itches and hurts like crazy.
2) When Alexandra told me I always go away when she’s with us. This is of course not true, but it breaks my heart that she might feel this way. And then I had to leave both Alexandra and Anders this afternoon to go on science/technology tour. I miss them both already.
Theme of the week
Neutrons. Surprise! 
So I talk a lot about neutrons these days, and it’ll probably continue for a while. When I think about my PhD now (which I do quite often), I immediately think neutrons.
Stress, like before. 
I admit it: I’m stressed now. I’m stressed about the neutrons we see in our detectors, and I’m stressed about my PhD – fearing that if we/I don’t manage to take properly ”care” of those stupid neutrons, I won’t get my PhD. And when I think that I might not get my PhD, I get more stressed, and then I think more about neutrons, and then more about not getting my PhD, and so on...:P
Supervisor Sunniva is my person of the week 🙂 
We’ve travelled together to Brussles and then Bruges; we were thrown out of first class at the train twice (first we didn’t know there was a first class, then we thought we had left first class, but apparently we hadn’t, and I don't think we were the conductor's favourite people that evening), survived more than 30 degrees in our hotel rooms and one million mosquitos. She’s an awesome supervisor and travel companion, always super positive!

This was taken yesterday. A very happy Alexandra has just gotten the biggest candy floss - a perfect way to end the day at Tivoli in Copenhagen 😀

105 days left before I have to finish the PhD:

-       up at 4:30 AM
-       travelled from Bruges to Brussels to the airport (LOTS of security there...)
-       thought quite a lot about neutrons (I’ve got some questions about these, and i’ll try to explain in more detail when I have more time 😉 )
-       just got to Oslo; to meet Anders, Alexandra, my sister, Andrea and Arian (niece and nephew), and my mother – we’ll have a real family weekend in Copenhagen (and on the boat – mostly on the boat, actually)

Most of the pictures I've taken this last week is of slides, which I really don't think you'd like to see 😉 But there are a couple onhes from outside the conference. Basically  they're from the trip down and the trip back, and when we eat.

I thought this was a little bit funny; isn't breakfast sort of by definition in the morning..? 😛


Right now
I've spent much of today watching the show "Occupied" (Okkupert), and later Anders and I are going to watch the last episode - SO exciting! 
Also I'm looking forward to (and maybe also dreading) the week to come; lot of fun going to happen, but it will also be tiring. Tomorrow I'm going on the radio, on Tuesday Anders and I are going to the Kavli banquet (I have a new dress, and you can all guess three times if it's pink <3 ), on Wednesday I'm going to have dinner with NHO and the people I'm going on tour with ("Jenter og teknologi") later in September, on Thursday and Friday it's "nothing" (except, of course, tons of work), Saturday we're going to one our best friends' 10 years wedding anniversary party - where I'm going to be the toastmaster, and on Sunday I'm leaving for a week in Bruges, Belgium, and the ND16 conference.  

Feeling of the week
Stress. There's no secret there's a lot of work to be done these days, and it stresses me. Either I'm stressed because I work a lot, or I'm stressed because I feel bad since I haven't done enough. 

I guess I just have to make this work count, and "just do it" - I mean, that's the only way...sometimes there's no "logic way to do it", sometimes the only way to do it is brute force, right? Then hopefully, next week I'll tell you feeling of the week is accomplishment 😉

Boost of the week
On Friday, Anders and I went on an after work date to Champagneria at Mathallen - one of my favourite places in Oslo. When we were paying, the waitress told me she thought it was so exciting to "follow me". These kinds of happenings are the best, and they make me so happy. If what I'm doing can be an inspiration to just one person, it'd worth it <3

Bummer of the week
After one more week popping antibiotics, I'm still not finished with this stupid urinary tract infections. So now I'm starting to be "sure" it's cancer 😛

Person of the week
Alexandra. It's weird how much "bigger" she has become, just because she started school. She's doing homework and learning all kinds of cool things, and just being a big, happy, smart girl <3
Craving of the week
Gum and Coke Zero.
Picture of the week
This picture just really sums up what I've been working on this week: error bars, error bars, error bars. They're really making me crazy, and I've cried, and I've been angry (at Anders, poor guy - not his fault, at all!). Fu****g error bars. 
Turns out the random errors on this plot are so small you can't even see the error bars, actually. The really hard part is to say something about the so called systematic errors, and that question I can't answer (yet)... #phdlife 😛
Reader of
the week
The one who sent me this on Snapchat (feel free to follow me at sunnivarose :)) - these kinds of things make me so happy!

Predicting the future is hard. Maybe even impossible, at least to get it right...
I started my talk on Wednesday with some quotes from different people, about the future, that turned out not to be right (the theme for my talk this time was the future, and what kind of skills we need):

Lord Kelvin, who was a  physicist and an engineer, and a smart guy, said in 1883 that X-rays is a fraud, and in 1895, Machines that are heavier than air will never be able to fly.

Dr. Lee de Foster, who was an inventor (he invented vacuum tubes), said that Man will never go to the moon, no matter what kind of scientific break-throughs we might achieve. 

Marechal Ferdinand Foch was a strategy professor, and he said: Air planes are interesting as toys, but they will never have any military value. 

An engineer in Boeing said, in 1933, when they had just built a plane (Boeing 247) that could take ten people: We will never build a bigger plane. 

In 1943, Thomas Watson, who was the president of IBM, said: I think there is a world market for maybe five computers. 

And Ken Olsen, the founder of Digital Equipment Corporation , said in 1977 There is no reason anyone would want a computer in their home.

Naturally, people laughed. Then I got a comment that there were very few quotes by women (there were none, and I had several more quotes in total - by men), so I told the audience that maybe I would say something stupid that could go into the history books (I really don't think I will go into the history books :P). I pointed out that I think that where these predictions go really wrong is when they say never.  You should probably never say never, or something meaning more or less that. Then I think I managed to be just as definite, and potentially silly, as these men (it was a joke when I said that I could say something stupid for the history books, but maybe I did it anyway)...

When it came to my "predictions" for the future, I talked about how computers may take the role of diagnosing patients, instead of doctors. Already today the most powerful computers are actually better at diagnosing, and come up with a plan for the best treatment for the patients. So will computers take the job from the doctors? I honestly believe that computers will be very important in the diagnosing part of treating a patient. Maybe we won't even meet doctors before we've actually been diagnosed - we'll "just" meet nurses? Maybe we'll only meet the doctors when we actually get to the hospital, with a diagnosis that a computer already made, after checking all kinds of symptoms and health data, and comparing them to all medical knowledge (that a person could never have)?
I was quite certain, though, that I don't think machines will ever replace the "human touch" - we need to actually see and talk to people, not machines. But after I had finished my talk I realised; I had been saying stuff like "I don't think doctors will ever be replaced by machines. Of course, machines will never replace the human touch, we'll always need to see and talk to actual people when we're not feeling good...", but what do I know?
Maybe one day, I can be quoted on "silly things people predicted about the future"; It may be silly that I said that machines will diagnose us, instead of doctors, or it may be silly that I said that we'll always need to see actual people in the doctor's office, and that a machines can't replace the human touch. Time will show 😉

Last week was shitty work wise, by the way; Alexandra got sick just after two days in school, and then so was I - just four weeks after I started my last cure of antibiotics, I've started a new one. Fingers crossed this time it will finally help(!)

My talk in Bruges is coming up very soon (two weeks to go), so I'm going to - I have to - make this week count <3 One step towards being (much) more productive is that I now start the SelfControl app when I wake up in the morning, and thus block all the different (disturbing) web pages until noon. The plan is to give myself a little "procrastination break" at noon, and then I'll block everything for five more hours. The reason is that, recently, I've spent too much time procrastinating in the morning, when I get into the office, before I start the SelfControl - it has actually gotten out of control. Therefore, measures have to be taken 😉

Alexandra and me wishing everyone a great (and productive and fun!) week <3

This has been a busy and kind of lazy day at the same time...
Yesterday, Alexandra wasn't feeling well, so she was picked up early from AKS. Luckily it was possible for her to attend school today (we don't want her to miss day three, right?), but no AKS, and also I wanted to be close by - just in case they called and said she couldn't be there anymore. Therefore I worked from home today. 
They didn't call, though, so I could focus 100% on the talk I gave at Riksarkivet today; I spent the morning finishing my talk, then I spent a certain amount of time on getting ready and picking out the perfect outfit (what I felt was "perfect" today 😉 ), and at one o'clock I left home.

The subject of my talk was the future, and a little bit about what I think will be important in the future. It's a tricky question, since so often before, smart people have been so off in their predictions. However, I do think we need to be able to process a lot of information, and we need math and physics and chemistry (and more - knowledge, really) to be able to do that. In order not to make really bad decisions for us self, and economy, and environment, and health...
My talk was at three, and I think I was back home again around five. Somehow I've been busy since then; spending time with Alexandra, washing clothes, and making food. But no science today :/
So it's been going non stop, from 6:30 this morning, 'till I sat down just now to write this, but also, I haven't done "anything". I'm still happy with the day, though - I gave a talk that went well (I think), and we'll go to bed soon (after we've eaten some hot chili <3 ), so that tomorrow I'll be super ready to work on the plotting/analysis program, and the talk about fission that I will give in Bruges in September (we're all going to practice together next week 😀 ).
Hope you're enjoying the evening! Kisses from here in Rose-castle <3

 And then the week was over again, just like that, and a new week has already begun! And just like that, Alexandra started school. It feels surreal that I have a school girl at home, and I think it's so cool that we're both part of the Norwegian educational system, but at the very beginning and the very end. This post isn't about Alexandra starting school though, more about that some other time...:)
Right now
Even though I wasn’t the most productive ever last week, I actually managed four of the five steps I was supposed to get through, and I'm quite happy with that. The only thing I didn’t do was the one about making a drawing of my plotting program, so I just need to get this right this week! I also have to start three presentations, and already on Wednesday I'm giving my first talk this semester (so one of those three talks needs to be started AND finished this week). To get my results right for article number three and the talk for Bruges, I need to make that drawing – luckily, Anders can help me, since he’s back from Philadelphia again <3 I'm hopeful!
Feeling of the week
Want. I missed Anders a lot last week (yes, even though it was just one week without him), and it's not because I don't have fun when he's not here, I just prefer when he is 🙂 As Sunniva supervisor said: Well, good thing you miss him - what if you didn't? Wouldn't that have been just horrible? And she's of course right, and I am happy I miss him when he's gone <3
Boost of the week
The biggest boost of last week was without doubt when I sent away my article (paper)
 to all the co-authors. As I told you on Saturday I felt like I got high just after I pushed the "send" button - it would actually have been fun if I had measured the levels of different hormones in my blood before and after I sent it. My guess is that the levels of adrenaline and endorphins (?) were higher after, but I am no expert on hormones, so I may be wrong about...;)
Bummer of the week
The biggest bummer of last week was the message from the Norwegian tax authorities! First they told me I had to pay one amount in taxes (from last year), then they had forgotten some stuff, and they told me (when we called them, and we called twice, and talked to two different people about this) I had to pay twice what they first told me. Then, this week I got their final message, where it said I have to pay even 20 000,- more :/ Well, c'est la vie...
Person of the week
Anders was in Philadelphia all of last week (he came back home again yesterday <3), so I thought much more about him and us than I normally do, when he’s here, so he’s definitely my person of the week.
Craving of the week
Gum. I always crave gum, and I eat a lot of it. I normally buy five packs at a time, and that’s almost sufficient for one week 😀
Picture of the week
Last week was the first week for all the new students (you know, Fadderuken, where they get to know older students and each other and stuff), and finally Campus was filled with people again. This picture is from the very first day, meaning last Monday, and I got so happy that Store Fysiske Auditorium (StoreFy) was packed with students <3
I wasn't really part of anything that happened, but I couldn't stay 100% away from it, either 🙂 (Picture from my Snapchat: sunnivarose)
Reader of the week
Last week I got the sweetest messages from a reader who told me she studies physics in Bergen, and that she wouldn't have done it if it wasn't for me. She also thanked me for this speech. She is definitely reader of the week! 

I almost can't believe it, but just one week from now; Alexandra's starting school!

Therefore, today we went shopping for a new backpack and some new outfits (plus a pair of sneakers, rain gear - after all, fall's coming soon, and some nail polish that she really wanted <3). The sun was shining, none of us were tired or stressed, and we simply had a great time! Then suddenly, from nowhere she squealed: 
- Let's take a selfie! 
(Often, she doesn't like me to take any pictures, so I love the times when she decides that pictures are good 🙂 )
And then:
- What is a selfie?
Haha - she obviously knew, she just wasn't sure if she knew <3
