This teacher pretended to have questions, but was not interested in listening to what I said, and just went on and on and on about new German titles that I should (have) read. It was annoying and rude, and I'm still kind of upset, actually :/
This teacher pretended to have questions, but was not interested in listening to what I said, and just went on and on and on about new German titles that I should (have) read. It was annoying and rude, and I'm still kind of upset, actually :/
I must admit I've suddenly gone into a "OMG, it's less than 11 months left until I'm finishing my thesis - OMG. OMG! OMG!!!" sort of state, and I guess every Monday blogpost could just be so this week I'm going to try to work on my article/thesis/analysis, but I'm still not there where I'm not doing anything else than my article/thesis/analysis, so there is a little bit more to say: In addition to working (my goal: A LOT) on my article and the rest of my analysis there are some other cool things going on the next days:
First and foremost I'm going to be on Abels Tårn on P2 on Wednesday (not the normal air time for Abels Tårn), where I might talk about fusion, and I might talk about Molten Salt Reactors - who knows? 😉
On Thursday I will give a talk about outreach "beyond the scientific conferences" for doctors and others on Radiologisk Høstmøte. It's not open to everyone, but I'm proud to be asked to talk at places like this, about my experiences with outreach and blogging and all that, so I just wanted to tell you anyway. (I think it should be ok to be proud, right?).
Ok, enough chit-chat - now it's time for some serious working on plots and tables of uranium-234, for my next article!
Talk to you later 🙂
- Nanoparticles are weird and I accidentally made a bomb and electrocuted myself.
- Inpatients with schizophrenia are happier and socialize more in the context of a music listening group. It was obvious before we began the project and we learned nothing.
- Little things stick together. Here's a slightly easier way to calculate their stickiness.
- This protein looks like it might contribute to asthma. Oh, turns out it probably doesn't.
- Two proteins touch each other in a specific place in the developing heart. No idea if it's important for anything.
- People sometimes think about animals as if they're people. People like those animals a little more than regular animals. Except when they don't. I can't believe they gave me a PhD.
- Sand washes away, don't build important stuff on it.
Jonathan: "All models are wrong, but at least now we can confirm they are wrong much faster"
Veronica: "Can electrons surf on an electric wave? Yes"
Kyrre: "How many sparks do we see when we push ridiculously strong micro waves through thin vacuum tubes? (And how do they work?)"
Thorium is a nice thing for a nuclear fuel, but you get the f****** uranium-232 from it, and it makes everything s***. Now we kind of know a little bit more about it. Which is just sort of true.
Today I've been busy all day - doing close to no actual research (#phdlife 😛 ).
- smoking 20 cigarettes a day: 2370 days (6.5 years)
- being 20% overweight: 985 days (2.7 years)
- alcohol consumption (US average): 1 year
- mining and quarrying: 328 days
- construction accidents: 227 days
- car accidents: 207 days
- home accidents: 74 days
- receiving a dose of 10 milli Sievert per year, every year for 47 years: 51 days
- natural hazards (earthquakes, floods): 7 days
A million thanks to all of you who read my blog - I hope you will continue to "follow" me as I try to finish this PhD project. *kisses*