Today was the meeting with the Ludvigsen committee (us) and the Finnish National Board of Education - it truly was a very interesting and inspiring meeting <3
And if anyone was wondering; no, we did not go to Finland to make a copy of their school in Norway. We went to learn more about their thoughts about their system and their process to get where they are.
From the airport
I have to share a "Pon & Zi" - they are so cute <3
2014 *check*
Heavier than heavy water
Yesterday was my 31st birthday, and during these 31 years I´ve "achieved" different things...I made a list of some of the first things that came to my mind:
I´ve been pregnant, I´ve given birth, and I had a daughter <3
I´ve learned 2.5 languages, I´ve travelled to 5 continents, and I lived abroad - in Paris. I started university, and I earned a master´s degree. I have failed courses at the university. I have been in love (several times) and I´ve been heartbroken (once I was so shocked and devastated that my entire body stiffened - my neck, back and arms ached for more than a week). I´ve lived in 15 different places, and I have owned two of them - the 15th I bought all by myself. I´ve worked as a dance teacher, I´ve worked as a "normal" teacher, I´ve worked in a perfumery, I´ve been a consultant at the Norwegian radiation protection authority, and I´ve worked at a science library.
I´ve had dreams that were shattered, and I´ve had dreams that are still there.
I´ve weighed 100 kilos.
I have been depressed.
I have danced on stage, I have sung on stage - I have danced AND sung on stage.
I´ve published scientific papers, and I have talked at scientific conferences. I´ve been accused of cheating, and I´ve been accused of lying (when I had actually never been more open and honest in my entire life - guess I´ve learned that being honest and telling the truth doesn´t meen you have to tell everyone EVERYTHING)
I´ve been dumped by facebook chat (a little bit like the post it in Sex and the City: "sorry I can´t don´t hate me").
I have given two TEDx talks, I´ve written several opinion articles for Aftenposten, I´ve been inteviewed, I´ve been an "expert" on the radio, and I have been on TV.
I have voted.
I´ve talked to thousands of kids about science, and why it is awesome, and why they could choose science if they really want to change the world <3
10 facts about heavy water
- Heavy water is heavy - around 10% heavier than light water (as a nuclear physicist working with reactors I actually call normal water for light water :V)
- Heavy water is chemically called D2O, instead of H2O (normal/light water)
- The D in D2O is for deuteron
- A deuteron is a heavy version of hydrogen (an isotope of hydrogen), and it´s heavier because it has a neutron in its nucleus in addition to the proton (normal hydrogen has only that one proton in its nucleus) - thus a deuteron is twice as heavy as a hydrogen
- Heavy water can be used as a moderator (something that slows down the speed neutrons) in a nuclear reactor (this is what the Germans wanted it for during WW2)
- If you use heavy water in a reactor you can run it on natural uranium - you don´t have to enrich the uranium (like the Americans were doing in the Manhattan project)
- Heavy water doesn´t "eat" neutrons, like light water does - which is why we love <3 it
- Germany wanted to make plutonium - and it´s a really good idea to do this in a reactor with heavy water and natural uranium
- Norway doesn´t produce heavy water anymore, but we use it in our two research reactors, in Kjeller and Halden 😀
- India are researching reactors using heavy water and thorium - which is really cool!
Back at the office
Happy new year!
Happy new year everyone, this is my song for 2015...<3
12 moments