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A while ago I was interviewed for the magazine Norwegian Continental Shelf. We talked about why I started to study nuclear physics, and about science communication, and that you usually have to work hard if you want to achieve something. Bente Bergøy interviewed me, and Sverre Christian Jarild photographed me - I think they both did a good job 🙂
I love this picture! It's taken from outside the University library (where I love to work <3)

Popular science blogger Sunniva Rose originally want­ed to be a ballet dancer, but became hooked on nuclear physics instead.

“The course didn’t meet my expectations, and I failed to settle in at the university. The subjects were more difficult than I’d thought, and I wasn’t used to feeling so stupid.”

Matters were not helped by failing courses and having terms where she only just managed to get through an exam. “I wondered for a long time what I thought I was doing,” she admits.

Her progress in maths was not particularly good, and she disliked experimenting. “I really doubted whether there was room for somebody like me, who had a handbag full of pink lip gloss, wore high heels and taught dance part-time.”

Then things started to look up. She took a couple of courses which broke the logjam. One dealt with energy challenges and realistic solutions, and Rose discovered that nuclear power is currently an important part of the answer.

She started work on an MSc, and thrived on long days in the lab and on the in-depth study of a topic she found exciting. Enjoyment, involvement and commitment paid off in top marks.

this is not a "pretty-picture", but I still really like it - it's really me; gesticulating with my hands, and of course there's CACTUS (all the stuff sticking out from it are detectors for gamma radiation, and it's called CACTUS because it looks like a cactus 😉 )

The question is why young Norwegians should opt for science studies when the oil industry seems to be in decline and many engineers are having trouble finding a job.

Rose’s answer is that these subjects provide the opportunity to work with everything from people to medicine, oil, space travel or the environment – and to help develop society.

“But I genuinely believe that knowledge of science should form part of a general education,” she affirms. “It helps you to think critically. Nothing is black-and-white, and not everything you read in the papers is true.”

If you like, you can read the entire thing HERE 🙂
PS: For some reason, they've written I went to the UiS (University of Stavanger), which is of course not true. For me, it's been University of Oslo all the way <3

I’m not at all a falls kind of person, and luckily it’s still summer – and I’m hoping it will last for at least one more month, and that September will be a warm, nice summer/fall month too. However, fall will come, even though I like it or not, and I guess it’s better to just embrace it.
As you may already know, this fall is my last semester at the University (or at least the last months I will receive any kind of salary from the University for working on my PhD – if I don’t finish before December 31, I’ll have to do it on my own time), and here are ten things I’m looking forward (or maybe not?) to this semester:
0. Alexandra starting school. This happens August 22nd, so technically I’ll say it’s still summer, but then again it’s part of the fall semester, so I’ll let it pass 😉 I cant’ believe this is already happening.
1. Finishing the damned second article. I've been working on it more or less, like, forever (yes, it's the one I've been nagging about, like, forever here, on the blog 😛 ), but finally it's looking like I'm reaching the end of the tunnel. Today, supervisor-Sunniva and I have been discussing the very last paragraph of the article, and I think I could actually finish it this weekend...:D 😀 😀
2. Friday dinners (chili <3 <3 <3) in Rose-castle. Since I bought my apartment, and thus got a place that was big enough so that I could invite all my friends to come over on Fridays, this has been a thing. When Anders moved in with me around a year ago, it has become ourthing – with his friends as an addition. The concept is easy: We make a big pot of something to eat (the default is chili con carne), we have some wine, people come at whatever time suits them (after work), and stay as long as they want, if they want to they can bring something to eat or drink, we have a good time.
3. Finishing the third article (notice: this one is not ”damned”). This is about gamma rays from fission, and even though I might be wrong, I have the feeling this one will be "easier" than the other one... #fingerscrossed
4. Go shopping after I submit my second article to the journal where I'm hoping to get it published – I need a nice leather bag, and I think this will be my reward after I finish this article 🙂
5.  Attending the Kavli prize banquet at Oslo city hall <3 With Anders <3
(I think the invitation is just so beautiful <3)

6. Go shopping after I submit the third article – shoes, I think J
7. Giving a talk in Belgium about prompt fission gamma rays (looking forward to, and dreading at the same time – I mean, giving talks about something, to the people who knows most about this theme in the entire world is not just a walk in the park…)
8. Going to Berkeley??? I don’t know if this will happen, but there has been a liiiitle bit of talk about it... At least I can hope, right?
9. Writing a ”popular” article on thorium based reactors; like, ”what’s the deal with thorium, really?”
10. Finishing the thesis. I don’t have to describe this one, I’m sure.
As you may see, this fall will be crazy; most of these things are stuff I’m mostly looking forward to finish, but are really stuff I’m dreading to actually have to do… Most of all I’m looking forward to 2017, when I’m done (#fingerscrossedagain) with the entire PhD drama, and I’m starting with something new... And who knows what that’ll be 😉 Any suggestions?

Here are a couple of pics from our trip up to Trolltunga in July (<3 summer <3) – it was a hard hike, but definitely worth it.

spectacular view on the way to Trolltunga
and suddenly we were back in Oslo again, wearing highs heels and accessories again 😉
Fall 2016: GO GO GO (soon – first, there’s more summer)!

I just needed a real break - a vacation - and I got it <3
I've been completely "off" from everything (physics and e-mail and blogging) during July, and it's been wonderful! But now it's time to start again; this is the last semester on my PhD (*troublebreathing*), and Alexandra starts school - so there's a lot going on in the Rose family this fall. Yesterday was Alexandra's first day at AKS (Aktivitetsskolen, which is where she'll be after school, before we're back from work), and Anders and I had our first day back again at the University. 

It wasn't the most productive day, but I made a long list with to dos, and I tried something new; namely programming support via Snapchat 😀 Anders was of course my guy, and he got it right, so that I can plot experimental results and theory at the same time (it looks like theory and experiment more or less agrees, and that's COOL.)

had to start by showing him the code that wasn't working exactly like I wanted it to

and of course an output; with 9 correct numbers, and 1 that wasn't even supposed to be there

I didn't understand what Anders meant, so I just had to guess...this wasn't right 😛
but then 😀 (Anders: is it working now? Me: well, what did you think the "9! ding ding ding" meant??? ;))
When I was on my way to leave the office yesterday, I felt quite good; I patted my back, and thought I was a good PhD student. Then, on my way down the stairs in the Physics building, I realised that what I've spent all day on, Anders could've done in 10 minutes, and then I just felt really bad :/ Today has been better, but I think I realise that this semester will probably not be my best ever...
It will be hard.
That's life, and here I tell you the truth.
Just really looking forward to the day I can write the blogposts "The article is submitted to the journal", "Another article is submitted", "Almost done with my thesis writing", "DONE" - you know, something like these 😉
Then I'm going shopping! (Yes, all of these blogposts deserve shopping, and I know what to buy when the next article is submitted to the journal.)
Hope you all had, or are having, a great summer vacation! And I hope you'll follow my phd struggles blogging here this fall 😉

Yesterday was Alexandra's last day (ever) in kindergarden... She started in August 2011, and now, more or less 5 years later, she's ready for new challenges. But it feels really strange, and a little sad - I'll be the first to admit. I think she's having mixed feelings too; one minute she's all about being a big girl and she can do everything and she takes responsibility, and she's really an angel - next minute she's winey and not cooperating at all, and says she isn't starting school after all, 'cause she's going back to kindergarden (all quite normal, I think 😉 ).
All in all I think we're ready (and excited) for school, and really looking forward to that next chapter in life, even though it's sad to leave such a great place as Universitetets barnehage, which really has been the BEST place these five years!
on her way to the first and the last day in kindergarden - notice she's wearing the same backpack (which will now be changed into a new one for first day in school <3 )
I must admit I didn't manage to get through my entire to do list yesterday that I was supposed to before the holiday could start. Some of it doesn't matter (I didn't get to clean my desk, and that's totally ok - the mess will be there when I get back in a couple of weeks), while other things do (I didn't finish my article so that I felt I could send it to my supervisors and Gry, who also promised to read it <3), and that means that even though today was the first day of vacation, I need to work just a little bit more (won't go to the university, though). Therefore, the plan for tomorrow is something like this:
- sleep until we wake up, coffee in bed
- breakfast together, all of us
- work intensely on the article for one hour - that may be just about enough (if not, maybe I'll work 1.5 hours, and if that isn't enough either, I'll do the rest after Alexandra's gone to bed, or something)
- do something nice from our summer holiday 2016 list 
Our plans for the next two weeks are for the most to stay in Oslo, and I'm thinking about writing a little bit about that tomorrow - but not before I've sent off my article. Then, when I press "send", it's holidays for real <3

I haven’t had the best couple of days lately. I've been feeling horrible, and like I’m drowning in work, drowning in stupid figures (oh, those stupid figures, and thank goodness for Anders, who have spent too much time helping me analyse these data, and make good fits). I haven't slept well; I've been having strange dreams about how Anders is a graph, and I'm the area beneath it (I'm an integral for crying out loud!), and that I can't oversleep since I'm late with a deadline, and so on. Kind of stressful. 
That’s, of course, the reason why I’ve been quiet here, and I’ve hated that port too (there’ve been some tears, I promise). But today I finished several figures, and now there’s only one more left for this article, and this analysis. That makes me fu****g H.A.P.P.Y.
yup, this makes me happy 😛
what I'm working on tomorrow - I'm still hopeful <3 (when I' come to thing about it, I think the mass number here is 234, and not 233)

I can start the week (last week before summer holiday with Alexandra) tomorrow with a more optimistic view on everything; maybe I'll actually reach my goal, of finishing this article before the holidays.
Right now I'm working at Villa Paradiso with Vibeke (Mattedama, from House of Math); we've had a great session, with antipasto, a glass of wine, talk, laughter, and, of course, work - perfect Sunday work session! But I think it's time to head home very soon, so that I can get to bed, and get up early tomorrow, to start making that last (last, last, LAST!) figure for this article.
today's happy worklook

So, finally I feel a little bit like not a total looser – hopefully that feeling will last longer than until lunch tomorrow... 😉 Only one more figure to make!!!


My PhD life today.
mother and daughter, going swimming, no fighting
What I did do:

  • discussions with Cecilie (thank you so much for listening to all my silly questions - you're super patient and great!)
  • working on figures; implementing what Cecilie suggested (not yet done)
  • take Alexandra to her swimming lessons
  • laundry - my dress for Jørgen and Janne's wedding this weekend is now clean, same goes for Alexandra's outfit <3
  • fight with Alexandra

daughter after swimming, playing in Akerselven, before fighting
What I didn't do:
  • answer e-mails
  • prepare for my talk at Vestby VGS tomorrow (not entirely true, since a lot of my preparations for these kinds of talks happen in my head, and I can't really start or stop it, it just happens 🙂 )
  • make a detailed milestone plan for the rest of my PhD
It's really one of these days where I feel like almost didn't do anything, even though that's not entirely true...:/


Hørt om "flink gutt"?
Ikke jeg heller. 
Eller, altså, jeg har hørt om det som noe man sier til hunden sin, men ikke som noe man sier til gutter/menn, slik man gjør til jenter/kvinner - "Flink pike-syndrom". Det er liksom noe negativt.
Anders er vel minst like mye "flink gutt" som det jeg er "flink pike" - men jeg har definitvt kjent på bekymringen om at "nå må du passe på så du ikke er for flink, da", noe jeg ikke tror Anders får høre, for det er vel aldri negativt at gutter er flinke (?).
I denne ukens KK er jeg intervjuet av Inga Ragnhild Holst om nettopp det å være flink pike, og Charlotte Wiig har tatt noen, i mine øyne fantatsiske bilder av Alexandra og meg <3 Saken er jo den at det er bra å stå på å være flink, og det er inmari teit at vi har gjort det til en greie at jenter må være forsiktige med å være flinke - det å være "flink" er jo det som gjør at du kan oppnå målene dine, og hadde jeg ikke vært "flink" så hadde jeg ikke klart mastergraden min, og hadde kanskje ikke vært økonomisk selvstendig til å feks kjøpe meg leilighet helt alene for to år siden... Jeg er stolt av å være "flink", og veldig fornøyd med den fine saken i KK; hurra for flinke piker!
I dag har jeg vært flink pike og jobbet med noen plott av et av de viktigste resultatene i den snart ferdige artikkelen min (åååå, som jeg gleder meg til å bli feridg med den, for jeg er gabske lei), og så skulle jeg lage en milepælplan for hvordan jeg skal komme meg i mål med doktorgraden, men det fikk jeg ikke tid til. Vi dro fra kontoret ca halv åtte, og det får være ok 😉 Skal starte morgendagen med å lage en god overisktsplan over milepælene fra nå og til fullført avhandling, tror jeg, for det er definitivt en god del arbeid som ligger foran meg (samtidig som det er nesten uendelig mye mer arbeid som faktisk ligger bak meg - hurra!). Jeg må definitivt fortsette å være flink pike for å dra dettte til målstreken. Jeg har også vært flink pike og fått logistikkabalen for denne uken til å gå opp - hurra, igjen!
Håper alle har en strålende start på uken! 
PS: Ja, jeg er klar over at det er noen (både jenter og gutter) som stresser seg i hjel, og som kanskje kjenner på et nærmest umennesklig press ift hva de skal presetere - jeg mener selvsagt ikke å kimse av det i denne saken.

Good morning everyone!
It felt good to get my nails fixed yesterday. Now they're not too long, and have a bright, pink colour - just perfect for standing next to my pink poster on PhD Day this Friday 😉 Big surprise: I'm the only one with a pink poster. (Wonder if I'm the only one thinking about matching my poster with my nails...? Haha, no I don't wonder about that - I'm pretty sure about the answer 😀 )
Today's plans are:
  • answering some emails
  • meet with Sunniva and discuss the article that's very soon ready for all the co-authors (we were supposed to meet yesterday, but then she didn't have the time - that happens 🙂 )
  • get help from Gry with my stupid plots that are stupid (she's the nicest office mate <3 )
  • WRITE! I'm going to work on one of the chapters in my thesis, and if there's time I'll work a little bit on the "popular" thorium article I just started...
Wish you all a great day <3<3<3

...at a time...
Today is another day where I feel I've been highly ineffective, but is still not sure if that's true.
I have read four(?) articles (when I say "read" I don't really mean read, like picking up the article, starting at the first side, and read all six pages or whatever; but more like, pick up an article, scroll down to the place where it's written something about the stuff I'm working on right now, read that part and look at most of the tables), and looked at two PhD theses. I've discussed a paragraph in my article with Sunniva, about some part of my analysis, that I don't really understand (which is what I've tried to figure out by reading all these articles and theses), and I have actually come one step closer. The second last section of my article is now close(r) to finished.
So, the conclusion of todays work is that I did manage to clean up some of the analysis mess in my head (and also in my article :D), and that means that I walked one more step on that long road that leads towards my PhD. And no matter how small that step is, it still takes me one (tiny) step closer to the goal - meaning it's so worth it.
At least that's how I envisioned it today 😉
Wish you all a great weekend! We're actually going camping at Langøyene tomorrow. Alexandra's never slept in a tent before, so that will be interesting. I've heard it's supposed to be colder tomorrow, but I'm crossing my fingers the FANTASTIC weather will just stay the same!
Kisses <3


I've been working my ass off analysing data since Monday morning - wanting to be as prepared as I can for Jon's visit later this week. It's tedious work: studying a plot, finding time limits, change your code, run the program, check the results, write everything down and put it into different folders - and start all over again. Repeat until dead tired.
But speaking of working my ass off, even though I work hard, I still want to feel fresh - without spending too much time or effort on it...entering the three working your ass off hairdos:

1. messy bun
2. messy braid no 1
3. messy braid no 2

The point with these three hair styles is to save time; all of them can stay for a week or so, and at the same time look fresh. You can wake up, and you're hair's already done, meaning there's one less thing to fix in the morning! They are all of the "messy" kind - meaning they are supposed to look a little like you just came out of bed, and not too "perfect" 😉

The hair should not be washed when you make these - I typically wait one or two days after the last time I washed my hair. In the picture below I hadn't washed my hair for 3 days; and also you don't need to comb your hair (I only do that like once a week, or something - before I wash it) - the best result of all these three hair dos comes without combing 🙂

This thing from Define is a real life saver! It's actually a mixture of dry shampoo and hairspray at the same time, so it's just perfect for making your hair look fresh and voluminous. Also it makes the hair so much easier to work with (newly washed hair is the worst; so little volume, and so straight, and so slippery).
Ok, let's start 🙂

The messy bun and the messy braid number 1 and 2 start with the same messy pony tail (steps 1-3):

first you need a thin rubber-band (1), then gather the hair for a pony tail at the crown of the head (I use both hands for it - 2), and wrap the rubber-band around the whole of the hair until it feels secure, not too tight (3). The combination of a pony tail that is quite loose, and placed high up on the head, makes it possible (not even uncomfortable) to sleep with 🙂
the messy bun is made like this: take the pony tail and twist it loosely (4), continue twisting it until it's wrapped around the rubber-band, and then stick the end back under the rubber-band (5) - it looks like this at first (6). To finish it I mostly just pull the bun, but a couple of bobby pins helps get it "down", and at the right place (7)
I often wear my hair like this when I'm giving a talk. Unless I'm super nervous and afraid I won't be taken seriously, or something, the messy bun is a good choice (of course, in combination with the right outfit ). Below you can see what it looks like when I just made it, and what it looks like after a week - I normally prefer it after a couple of days.
messy bun <3
The messy braid no 1 has the same starting point as the messy bun - the messy pony tail.
You need two rubber-bands for this one. Divide the pony tails into three parts, pull them forwards, and start braiding quite loosely (1). Secure the braid with a rubber-band (2). It first looks a little simple and dull, but then there's magic: hold the braid with one hand on each side of the braid (my other hand is busy holding the camera at this picture :/) and pull gently (3). Continue pulling at different places along the braid until you're happy with the size/volume (4), and then, finally place the braid at the right side of your head  - the back side (5)
The last hairdo is the messy braid no 2. Some extra hair spray is often a good idea on this one.
First, gather all the hair loosely on one side (1). Sometimes I use a comb to tease the hair a little bit by the roots, so it won't be as flat as it was here... Then divide the hair into three equally sized parts, and start braiding (2) - remember: not tight! Then simply braid as far down as you want - I prefer to keep a decent portion of hair not braided - secure the braid with a rubber-band, and pull the braid the same way as the messy braid number 1 (3)
Messy braid number 2 is very soft and feminine <3
(I don't have thick hair at all, but the messier it is the thicker it looks :D)
All of these three hair dos should be so loose that you can sleep comfortably with them. When you wake up you just apply some dry shampoo to the roots, and you're ready for working your ass off!

even though it's messy doesn't mean it can't be serious 😉