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I just needed a real break - a vacation - and I got it <3
I've been completely "off" from everything (physics and e-mail and blogging) during July, and it's been wonderful! But now it's time to start again; this is the last semester on my PhD (*troublebreathing*), and Alexandra starts school - so there's a lot going on in the Rose family this fall. Yesterday was Alexandra's first day at AKS (Aktivitetsskolen, which is where she'll be after school, before we're back from work), and Anders and I had our first day back again at the University. 

It wasn't the most productive day, but I made a long list with to dos, and I tried something new; namely programming support via Snapchat 😀 Anders was of course my guy, and he got it right, so that I can plot experimental results and theory at the same time (it looks like theory and experiment more or less agrees, and that's COOL.)

had to start by showing him the code that wasn't working exactly like I wanted it to

and of course an output; with 9 correct numbers, and 1 that wasn't even supposed to be there

I didn't understand what Anders meant, so I just had to guess...this wasn't right 😛
but then 😀 (Anders: is it working now? Me: well, what did you think the "9! ding ding ding" meant??? ;))
When I was on my way to leave the office yesterday, I felt quite good; I patted my back, and thought I was a good PhD student. Then, on my way down the stairs in the Physics building, I realised that what I've spent all day on, Anders could've done in 10 minutes, and then I just felt really bad :/ Today has been better, but I think I realise that this semester will probably not be my best ever...
It will be hard.
That's life, and here I tell you the truth.
Just really looking forward to the day I can write the blogposts "The article is submitted to the journal", "Another article is submitted", "Almost done with my thesis writing", "DONE" - you know, something like these 😉
Then I'm going shopping! (Yes, all of these blogposts deserve shopping, and I know what to buy when the next article is submitted to the journal.)
Hope you all had, or are having, a great summer vacation! And I hope you'll follow my phd struggles blogging here this fall 😉

I guess the title really says it all, but to be very specific: 
I'm done with all the figures and all the tables for the article!
What remains (TODO list of tomorrow):
  • read the neptunium-article, and find out how the results were interpreted 
  • place sentence about uncertainties in the analysis where it should be (aka. figure out where, which is the hard part - moving it is not)
  • check and fix all table and figure captions
  • read through everything and check that I'm referring to the right number of the figures and tables in the text
  • work on the discussion part and the abstract
  • send an e-mail to Fabio and ask about something from his master's thesis
  • fix a "Draft_FINAL" and send off to both Sunniva and Jon
  • clean desk
  • holiday

Now I'll make a #workingyourassoff Thai soup, and after we've eaten it's time for Anders and me to go to bed - tomorrow is the last day before two weeks with Alexandra, who has her last day ever in kindergarden <3

This night I had another "nightmare" - simply that I hadn't done the last calculations that are supposed to be in the article, and I couldn't manage to do them, and therefore not make the last figure either. Pretty straight forward to understand what that dream was all about, I guess 😉
When I woke up this morning, it was also the case that I hadn't done all these things - but now I'm almost there! Today I fixed all the tables, and did the calculations. Since there are one and a half day left before Alexandra's done with kindergarden forever (OMG!), I think there's a quite good chance that I'll finish it all (not just the figures but entire article), like my goal is!!! I'll finish the figure before lunch tomorrow, and then I have the rest of Thursday and Friday on writing the rest of everything (this part takes longer than I want it to, though, since I think it's kind of hard to write scientifically). #Fingerscrossed
I'm soooo looking forward to at least two weeks of holiday with my favourite people now <3
Random selfie:
discovered this new crazy filter on Snapchat just now - instant heavy make up 😀
I'm in Sykepleien Forskning this month, btw. Got the magazine in the post today, and I'm so proud that they asked me to write a text for them, and it's really cool to be a "teaser" on the cover, and that my text about outreach (of science) is on the first page after all the "mandatory stuff" 🙂 

Now I'm going to get a quick shower, and then wait for Anders to come home (according to Find my Friends, he's still at the University, but he said he'll leave around now...). We'll probably watch one episode of Grey's Anatomy and then go to bed - we both have a lot to finish the next two days.

There's no way I can go on vacation before I've finished this article. 
No. Way.
Therefore I'm quite focused these days, and luckily my big problems from Monday turned out to be not so big after all 🙂 Therefore I'm much happier than I was on Monday, even though I'm tired (we just got back home from work, and there's no reason we should be home earlier tomorrow). But long days is a good prize to pay for a real vacation where I can actually relax and focus 100% on Alexandra and Anders and having fun <3

Kind of crazy, though, that this screen makes me happier, (since there are obviously issues that need to be dealt with here) but that's actually the case:

(Doesn't my plots look like the drawing of the elephant inside the snake in The little Prince? We're reading this book to Alexandra these days, and she really likes it <3)

So I made a to do list:
- there are three figures that need to be made. Two of them will hopefully be finished by the end of tomorrow
- I need to get stuff into tables. I'm not sure how many, but there are at least three more tables than need attention
- finish the "what did I do to get these results"-part of the article, which is almost finished already
- write the "discuss the results and the uncertainties in the results"-part of the article, which is not almost finished
- write a sexy abstract
- find another title for the article than "The statistical nightmare: the nuclear level density and gamma ray strength function of uranium-234" (thanks to Vetle for this suggestion :P)

(since after that, Alexandra has no kintergarden anymore...)


...this is one those days. One of those days where everything seem hopeless, and it feels like I just want to give up and cry.
I spent most of this day working on a plot, but the only thing I realised was that I have to go back and change another figure. AGAIN. For the one hundredth time - seriously. And after I've done that, I can start trying to understand the program that's suppose to make this other figure. One step forward and two steps back, in other words. 
my screen before I found out what I was doing was wrong

my screen when I found out...
It just feels like this is how it's been for too long now. I must admit I'm really starting to hate this article, and if the rest of this PhD will take as long as this article I will actually never finish. So I think the only thing I can do (except for giving up right here, right now) is to use brute force and finish it (that goddam article) this week.
I just came home now, and changed from my wet clothes into my new favourite at home outfit: this caftan from H&M <3 So even if I feel like shit, I feel cooler in this than in sweats, but the caftan is at least as comfortable 🙂
I'm ready to do this (I hope...), and Anders just promised me to be there all the way (again <3), and now he also just suggested we work together for two hours every day. I'm really lucky to have a partner like that!
Hope all of you are having a better Monday than I am...:P


Hørt om "flink gutt"?
Ikke jeg heller. 
Eller, altså, jeg har hørt om det som noe man sier til hunden sin, men ikke som noe man sier til gutter/menn, slik man gjør til jenter/kvinner - "Flink pike-syndrom". Det er liksom noe negativt.
Anders er vel minst like mye "flink gutt" som det jeg er "flink pike" - men jeg har definitvt kjent på bekymringen om at "nå må du passe på så du ikke er for flink, da", noe jeg ikke tror Anders får høre, for det er vel aldri negativt at gutter er flinke (?).
I denne ukens KK er jeg intervjuet av Inga Ragnhild Holst om nettopp det å være flink pike, og Charlotte Wiig har tatt noen, i mine øyne fantatsiske bilder av Alexandra og meg <3 Saken er jo den at det er bra å stå på å være flink, og det er inmari teit at vi har gjort det til en greie at jenter må være forsiktige med å være flinke - det å være "flink" er jo det som gjør at du kan oppnå målene dine, og hadde jeg ikke vært "flink" så hadde jeg ikke klart mastergraden min, og hadde kanskje ikke vært økonomisk selvstendig til å feks kjøpe meg leilighet helt alene for to år siden... Jeg er stolt av å være "flink", og veldig fornøyd med den fine saken i KK; hurra for flinke piker!
I dag har jeg vært flink pike og jobbet med noen plott av et av de viktigste resultatene i den snart ferdige artikkelen min (åååå, som jeg gleder meg til å bli feridg med den, for jeg er gabske lei), og så skulle jeg lage en milepælplan for hvordan jeg skal komme meg i mål med doktorgraden, men det fikk jeg ikke tid til. Vi dro fra kontoret ca halv åtte, og det får være ok 😉 Skal starte morgendagen med å lage en god overisktsplan over milepælene fra nå og til fullført avhandling, tror jeg, for det er definitivt en god del arbeid som ligger foran meg (samtidig som det er nesten uendelig mye mer arbeid som faktisk ligger bak meg - hurra!). Jeg må definitivt fortsette å være flink pike for å dra dettte til målstreken. Jeg har også vært flink pike og fått logistikkabalen for denne uken til å gå opp - hurra, igjen!
Håper alle har en strålende start på uken! 
PS: Ja, jeg er klar over at det er noen (både jenter og gutter) som stresser seg i hjel, og som kanskje kjenner på et nærmest umennesklig press ift hva de skal presetere - jeg mener selvsagt ikke å kimse av det i denne saken.


Oh, I get so frustrated...!
This day started great; I was sort of on a roll with making nice figures for thesis and papers, and then someone told my I should look into some stuff (some threshold for some electronics), and I did, and I realised some of my plots look really strange :/ I mean, they're not supposed to be like that, going up and down like that systematically - nature isn't that "pretty"...  (Nature is pretty, but it doesn't work like this plot over here.) And I can't figure it out, so I'm back to feeling stupid again 😛
I guess this is a good time to freshen up my make-up and go get my nails done - just gonna spend one Pomodoro on a paper I'm planning to write about thorium; like "what's the deal with thorium and what are the options and what are people around the world doing in this field" 😉
See you <3


Not a bad start to this week; I've "finished" my draft for Sunniva, sent it away to her, and planned for us to meet tomorrow. I've also caught up with the fission gamma analysis (it really is that way; if I'm away from some kind of analysis or something for more than two days, it's always a lot of work to get into it again - luckily I get better and better at writing good notes, and keep everything in a system, so I know what I did and how I thought, and therefore it's not so often anymore that I have to spend an entire day just trying to understand what I was thinking the last time I was working on that particular problem), and I actually think I'm ready to start producing the actual figures that will go into the article about these gamma rays that comes when a nucleus fissions 🙂 That will be my third article, which means that I really have enough for my entire PhD...:D And last but not least, my poster for PhD day came, and is now hanging at the Science Library. Omg. I must admit I think it looks kind of pretty (at least I think I'll win the competition for the most pink poster - but nuclear physics and pink goes well together, right? 😉 ).

The title for my poster is Why is the nuclear sweat from fission always the same?, and if you come to the poster session on Friday (11 AM at the Science Library) I'll be there and explain everything. Also, if you think I deserve it, you can vote for my poster as the "audience choice" - but then you'll have to be there 😉

...at a time...
Today is another day where I feel I've been highly ineffective, but is still not sure if that's true.
I have read four(?) articles (when I say "read" I don't really mean read, like picking up the article, starting at the first side, and read all six pages or whatever; but more like, pick up an article, scroll down to the place where it's written something about the stuff I'm working on right now, read that part and look at most of the tables), and looked at two PhD theses. I've discussed a paragraph in my article with Sunniva, about some part of my analysis, that I don't really understand (which is what I've tried to figure out by reading all these articles and theses), and I have actually come one step closer. The second last section of my article is now close(r) to finished.
So, the conclusion of todays work is that I did manage to clean up some of the analysis mess in my head (and also in my article :D), and that means that I walked one more step on that long road that leads towards my PhD. And no matter how small that step is, it still takes me one (tiny) step closer to the goal - meaning it's so worth it.
At least that's how I envisioned it today 😉
Wish you all a great weekend! We're actually going camping at Langøyene tomorrow. Alexandra's never slept in a tent before, so that will be interesting. I've heard it's supposed to be colder tomorrow, but I'm crossing my fingers the FANTASTIC weather will just stay the same!
Kisses <3

Today has been a good day; meaning I've worked continuously all day, and feeling like I've been effective. Still, when I look at what I've actually accomplished, it doesn't really look like much: six different ways of plotting one of the resonances I'm studying - to try to see if there is some kind of pattern in it. 
Pattern hunting.
Good thing is that I've might have found something, but I'm not sure before I've discussed it with Sunniva tomorrow.
I also managed to write a couple of sentences on my article...
BTW: I finished my poster for PhDDay, which is next Friday, yesterday, so that's good 🙂 I wish I'd had more time to work on it, but I'm quite happy with the result (guess three times if it's pink 😉 ), and now it's just to wait for the poster session and see how it goes... If you're at the University at 11 (AM) next Friday, you're welcome to stop by and check out our posters of our research.