- started a plan towards October 21st, when Jon is coming (what I need to do before his visit: finish subtractin neutrons from both the uranium and the plutonium experiments, implement all the comments I got on article number two and send it to all the co-authors again, write a draft for my thesis about fission. When Jon is here, we/I need to make a draft of article number three, and send it to the co-authors)
- answered emails and other requests
- got help from Anders to program the subtraction of neutrons from the gamma matrix (the input numbers are not completely correct yet, but that I can fix later) - meaning we started, and when I say "got help" I really mean "I tell him what I need the program to do, and he does the programming" 😛
- met with Sunniva and discussed the neutrons versus gammas issues
- finished my travel bill from the Bruges trip 🙂
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Summing up this week
God helg!
Almost home
Summing up last week
On the road (again)
Skal vi få opp antallet teknologer, og få de beste hodene og hendene, er vi nødt til å rekruttere talenter fra hele befolkningen. I dag er det få kvinner som velger en slik retning, og det ønsker vi å endre på, sier NHO-sjef Kristin Skogen Lund.Vi vet at personlige møter er noe av det mest effektive for å motivere. På arrangementene vil de unge jentene møte vanlige unge kvinner, som vi håper de kan relatere seg til, utdyper Laukvik. Jentene vil møte rollemodeller fra yrkesfagene, fagskolene og høyere utdanning. NHOs medlemsbedrifter melder i Kompetansebarometeret om et ekstra stort behov for:
- Yrkesfag: Bygg- og anleggsteknikk, elektro, teknikk- og industriell produksjon.
- Tekniske fagskoler.
- Høyere utdanning: Ingeniør, IKT og matematiske og naturvitenskapelige fag.
- up at 6:30
- get into "talk mode" (make-up, hair, shoes...)
- breakfast and last preparations on talk
- check-out at 8:15
- stress about how the technical stuff wasn't working properly
- give talk at 12 - it went quite ok 🙂
- on radio (NRK Sørlandssendingen)
- get in van, and drive more or less non stop from Krsitiansand to Stavanger
- check in to hotel in Stavanger
- eat dinner with the rest of the gang
- no work on article, or neutrons, or anything
- bad conscience
- bed at 11
Summing up the week
105 days left before I have to finish the PhD:
Three crazy weeks