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Today there are 86 days until december 31st, and that means 86 days until I need to have finished this thesis work...
This is what I've been doing today:
  • started a plan towards October 21st, when Jon is coming (what I need to do before his visit: finish subtractin neutrons from both the uranium and the plutonium experiments, implement all the comments I got on article number two and send it to all the co-authors again, write a draft for my thesis about fission. When Jon is here, we/I need to make a draft of article number three, and send it to the co-authors)
  • answered emails and other requests
  • got help from Anders to program the subtraction of neutrons from the gamma matrix (the input numbers are not completely correct yet, but that I can fix later) - meaning we started, and when I say "got help" I really mean "I tell him what I need the program to do, and he does the programming" 😛
  • met with Sunniva and discussed the neutrons versus gammas issues
  • finished my travel bill from the Bruges trip 🙂
Right now I'm re-united with Alexandra again, and since I've been so much away lately, and there's a school holiday this week, I'll take the next two days off to be with her <3 (I don't actually have time for it, but I just need to make time...)

Good morning, great people!
Right now I'm sitting in bed, trying to wake up. Anders left before 7, and I have just finished my first coffee of the day 🙂 When I've finished this blogpost, I'll get ready for a long day at the University; I think we're in the middle of an experiment (if so, I'll volunteer for the evening shift today), so I need to figure that out, and then I need to (to try) get on top with my neutron issues. I also need to finish my travel bill from Bruges, and a short "interview" for NHO. If there's more time after this I have several comments for my article number two (the one about uranium-234) that I need to fix. However, I don't really think there'll be time for working on this article today :/
I need to make this day count, since I've had a really bad conscious about my research these two weeks on tour...!
Boost of the week
1. Friday evening, sitting in bed with Anders, drinking Champagne and watching Pretty Woman - and just being happy and exhausted at the same time. Finally back home, "for good" 🙂
2. SKAM season three – say no more 😀
Bummer of the week
It's fall, and I don't like it. When I woke up at six this morning, it was completely dark outside, and of course it's colder. Yr tells me it probably won't be more than ten degrees today, so the season of Sunniva freezing most of the time has begun.
On the bright side (see?! I'm not 100% negative 😉 ), the weather forecast this week (at least Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday) is sun, which is (of course!) so much better than the freezing fall rain...
Feeling of the week
I have been so grateful this week over all the fantastic girls we've met. From Alta in the North, on Monday, to Sarpsborg in the South, on Friday. It's been great with all the super nice messages we got from them, about how much they liked our talks - that we were inspiring, and that they were now really considering an education in science and technology <3 Thank you!
Song of the week
MILF, by Klovner i Kamp. This song makes me happy.
Picture of the week
This picture is so Alexandra, you have no idea <3 The picture is from her school photo session, and I’m happy they haven’t ”forced” her to smile – this is really herYes, she's my new screensaver 🙂

Craving of the week
1. Latte. Normally, every morning start with Anders rolling out of bed and getting into the kitchen to get us both coffee (and I don’t drink black coffee, I need a good portion of cream in it), but since I've been away for three weeks now, this hasn't happened. When I don't get that morning coffee, I really want a nice latte as soon as possible, but we haven't had time to find good coffee places everywehere we've been this week, so I've acted a little crazy each time I've actually got a real latte 😛
2. Sleep. This week I'll work hard and sleep well (and get enough of it!).

Reader of the week
The reader of the week is without doubt Othilie!
She's the girl who traveled from Brønnøysund to Steinkjer to meet us last Wednesday. She also had this great notebook as a gift for me - the perfect gift for a nerdy person! It was especially perfect since I just finished my last notebook before we went on tour, so now this book will take me through the last months of my PhD work...

Da er to uker på turne rundt i Norge, med  jenter og teknologi over.
Vi har vært innom alle Norges fylker, holdt 10 foredrag for nesten 3000 jenter, kjørt maaange timer i bil, sunget, sovet, og ledd. Det har vært veldig gøy, og en ære å få være med NHO på denne turen, og så skal det sies at det har vært intenst og ganske slitsomt, og nå er det vanvittig deilig å sitte under dynen i sengen (i rent sengetøy, som Anders hadde ordnet med før jeg kom <3) og bare slappe av. Anders sitter i skrivende stund og jobber med en rapport om doktorgradsarbeidet sitt, men så snart han er ferdig skal vi kose oss med Champagne og en film - jeg tenker litt i Pretty Woman-baner 🙂 Så da vil jeg egentlig bare ønske alle en skikkelig god helg, med sangen vi gaulet av full hals i bilen på vei til Sarpsborg i går kveld - Hakuna Matata!

I dag er det allerede torsdag, og dagen for det nest siste arrangementet på denne jenter og teknologi-turneen vår! Det betyr at vi er kommet oss godt sydover igjen (vi startet denne uken i Alta - selv har jeg aldri vært så langt nord før, faktisk), og Lillehammer, der vi er nå, føles nesten som å være hjemme igjen 😉 Vi har altså besøkt 8 byer, holdt 8 foredrag, og tilbrakt veeeeldig mange timer i bil, og vi har møtt godt over 2000 jenter som går i 9. og 10.-klasser rundt omkring.
I går var vi i Steinkjer, og der fikk jeg møte kjempesøte Othilie. Hun hadde reist helt fra Brønnøysund på morgenen for å få med seg Jenter og teknologi, så hun hadde startet dagen i bil klokken 5 på morgenen. Sånne historier gjør det å reise rundt på denne måten veldig verdt det! Til tross for savn, og stress, og at det er slitsomt.
Det positive med at det er slitsomt gjør forresten at jeg føler meg SKIKKELIG klar for å sitte på kontoret neste uke, og "bare" begrave meg i fisjon og gammastråling og nøytroner (hvis jeg får tid skal jeg også prøve å skirve et blogginnlegg om hvorfor det er vanskelig med disse hersens nøytronene i detektorene våre, og hvorfor de fine rådene jeg har fått inn, blant annet her på bloggen, ikke funker).

Fra Sunnmørsposten. Å oppleve sånst som dette er utrolig fint <3
Nå skal jeg inn på badet og få på meg ansiktete mitt (aka sminke meg), så r jeg klar for dagens foredrag her i Lillehammer. deretter hiver vi oss inn i den fine turné-vanen vår, og setter nesen mot Sarpsborg, der vi skal avslutte i morgen. Blir deilig med bare en slik liten svipptur, nærmest, nå, etter flere laaange turer - Norge er et langt land 😉

Right now
Yesterday I flew up to Alta, and reunited with Synne and Ellen. With had a great evening (we even saw the Northern lights!), and when we woke up this morning we were ready for the first "show" of the week - in Alta, of course. Right now, we're waiting for our flight to Bodø at Tromsø airport,. In Bodø we'll meet up with Ingeborg and Fred, and tomorrow we'll have the show there 🙂

"On the road again" - no doubt about it! We're going all around Norway in a van, with our logo on the side. We're sooo on the road 😀 
Coming to Gardermoen on Friday afternoon, and meeting my two favourite people. Anders and Alexandra were waiting for me, and seeing them again was absolutely fantastic <3
Leaving Oslo on Sunday. Not because I didn't want to go on tour again, because I really love this #jenterogteknologi-tour - but that doesn't mean I don't think it's hard to leave. Especially since Alexandra's told me several times this week that she didn't want me to go again :/

It was great being home with Anders and Alexandra, and for most of the time we had a fantastic time together. But, it seems as Anders has also pissed alexandra off when I've been gone (it's not very difficult to do something that Alexandra thinks is the worst thing in the world these days), and she made this drawing. It's Anders, and apparently he's a jerk 😛 (Notice the curly hair - I'm not sure if this is a look he should pursue, or not...)
Excitement, but also fear; when I let go of the excitement, even for just a minute, I feel a kind of fear, or extreme stress. I fear that this last article won't be worthy of publishing, and if so, what do I do? I need (?) the three articles. That's how a PhD works, and you never know when you start if what you do will actually be publishable. If it isn't, then too bad for you - you don't get a PhD (it's not like it's a charity thing: poor you, you tried so hard, we'll just give you the degree even if you din't publish sort of thing - that's not science).

Synne! She is one of the girls I'm travelling all around Norway these two weeks, and she is just a really cool person. Synne is funny and kind, and has so much energy, and she makes everyone around her laugh. I haven't known her for more than 7 days, but I believe she truly is a good person!
Ellen and I are the "role models" that speaks at every show, and Synne is the host 🙂

I don’t have as many readers as the regular girly blogger, but the ones that I do have are really fantastic, and dedicated. This week my favourite is Ellinor. When I get questions like these – oh my <3 Readers like this should definitely study physics, no doubt! JUST DO IT <3

Jenter og teknologi-turen skjer i samarbeid med NHO
Da har vi allerede kommet oss et godt stykke på vei på denne Jenter og teknologi-turneen rundt så å si hele Norge. I skrivende stund sitter jeg på Comfort Clarion Hotel i Bergen - flott beliggenhet, men det eldste og mest slitte rommet så langt på turen 😛 Ikke at jeg får nytt så mye av at vi er midt i Bergen sentrum heller, dessverre, siden vi kom fram klokken 19, og sene kvelder er ikke akkurat noe å anbefale denne uken, tror jeg 😛 Uansett, i morgen skal vi snakke i Bergen 🙂
Vi reiser altså landet rundt i vår helt egen turné-buss, og skal i løpet av denne og neste uke ha holdt 10 "show" (konferanser/foredrag) for ganske mange 9.- og 10.-klassejenter.
Synne, som er konfransier på alle arrangementene, og meg, etter at vi var ferdige i Stavanger i dag - ganske slitne, men fremdeles utrolig gira og fjasete (før vi setter oss i bilen og slukner, begge to)

"Jenter og teknologi" er et arrangement som går ut på å vise frem jenter som jobber med teknologiske fag, og målet er å få flere jenter til å vurdere realfag/teknologiske fag videre. På denne turneen så er det en jente som heter Ellen, som er utdannet elektriker og videre ingeniør, og meg, som er med og holder foredrag på hvert eneste sted vi er. Vi forteller om hvordan og hvorfor vi har endt opp der vi er, om hva vi gjør, og hvorfor vi mener at flere jenter virkelig burde vurdere liknende utdannelser. I tillegg til oss så er det mange lokale rollemodeller på hvert eneste sted - så alle arrangementene blir litt ulike.

Skal vi få opp antallet teknologer, og få de beste hodene og hendene, er vi nødt til å rekruttere talenter fra hele befolkningen. I dag er det få kvinner som velger en slik retning, og det ønsker vi å endre på, sier NHO-sjef Kristin Skogen Lund.Vi vet at personlige møter er noe av det mest effektive for å motivere. På arrangementene vil de unge jentene møte vanlige unge kvinner, som vi håper de kan relatere seg til, utdyper Laukvik. Jentene vil møte rollemodeller fra yrkesfagene, fagskolene og høyere utdanning. NHOs medlemsbedrifter melder i Kompetansebarometeret om et ekstra stort behov for:  

  • Yrkesfag: Bygg- og anleggsteknikk, elektro, teknikk- og industriell produksjon.  
  • Tekniske fagskoler. 
  • Høyere utdanning: Ingeniør, IKT og matematiske og naturvitenskapelige fag. 
I går var vi i Kristiansand, og i dag var vi i Stavanger. På bare de to eventene har vi snakket til ca 700 jenter, og det betyr at når vi har snakket her i Bergen i morgen så vipper vi 1000 - DET ER KULT!
Etter at vi er ferdige i morgen hiver vi oss inn i vanen, for da skal vi kjøre ett av de lengste strekkene på denne turneen, nemlig Bergen-Ålesund - det er visst mer enn 7 timer i ren kjøring... Heldigvis er avslutter vi uken i Trondheim på fredag, som jeg regner med blir mindre slitsomt 🙂
Denne uken gjenstår altså Bergen i morgen (onsdag), Ålesund på torsdag, og Trondheim på fredag. Etter at jeg er ferdig på fredag setter jeg meg på flyet for å kose meg hjemme sammen med Alexandra og Anders i helgen - de beste jeg vet. Søndag kveld setter jeg meg igjen på flyet, og da er destinasjonen Alta - der snakker vi på mandag. Deretter blir det Bodø på tirsdag, Steinkjer på onsdag, Lillehammer på torsdag, og så avslutter vi i Sarpsborg på fredag.
<3 gjengen <3
Hvis du vil følge oss videre, så har vi en Facebook-side HER, på snap heter jeg sunnivarose (jeg oppdaterer selvsagt gjennom hele denne turen), og vi jentene på tur heter Teknologijenter 🙂
Hvis dere vil høre litt mer om hva jeg snakker om, og hvorfor jeg er med på dette arrangementet kan du sjekke ut denne videoen (vi testet ut Facebook Live i dag, for første gang) og radioinnlegget fra Sørlandssengia i går.
I dag har jeg faktisk fått gjort bitte bitte litte grann med nøytroner - jeg har i alle fall tenkt, og satt tankene ned på papir. Ikke akkurat stor forskning på meg i dag heller, men det er nå mer enn de siste dagene, da... Jeg må ærlig innrømme at jeg ikke er noe fan av å jobbe i bil; jeg blir ikke uvel med én gang, men jeg syns det er ubehagelig, og dessuten syns jeg det er fryktelig vanskelig å konsentrere meg. Får vel nesten bare innse at det blir lite forskning på meg disse 5 dagene, men heldigvis har Anders lovet å hjelpe meg litt til helgen når jeg kommer hjem <3 #nerdlove
På bildet under prøver jeg å bruke data fra en gammel artikkel (eldre enn meg) for å prøve å finne ut av hvordan nøytronene ser ut i våre detektorer, og hvordan vi skal trekke fra et visst antall av tellingene våre. Håper veldig at det går! (Hvis ikke er jeg alvorlig usikker på hvordan det kommer til å gå; hvis jeg ikke kan forsvare skikkelig at vi klarer å ta hensyn til hvor mye av vpre data som er nøytroner, og hvor mye som er gammastråling, tviler jeg sterkt på at jeg har en tredje artikkel for publisering, og hvis jeg ikke har det så er jeg veldig usikker på hva so skjer med doktorgraden...:/ )
Ønsker dere alle en super kveld!

  • up at 6:30
  • get into "talk mode" (make-up, hair, shoes...)
  • breakfast and last preparations on talk
  • check-out at 8:15
  • stress about how the technical stuff wasn't working properly
  • give talk at 12 - it went quite ok 🙂
  • on radio (NRK Sørlandssendingen)
  • get in van, and drive more or less non stop from Krsitiansand to Stavanger
  • check in to hotel in Stavanger
  • eat dinner with the rest of the gang
  • no work on article, or neutrons, or anything
  • bad conscience 
  • bed at 11
Follow my snaps at sunnivarose, and/or teknologijenter 🙂

Another week has just come to an end, and it's time to sum up. One of the conclusions is that I have survived the first of the three crazy weeks 🙂
Right now
Right now I've just come out of the shower, am in my bed at a hotel in Kristiansand, and looking forward to talk to several hundred girls about nuclear physics and research and stuff, and why I think science is awesome, tomorrow. My talk isn't completely ready yet - that will probably happen tomorrow morning during an early breakfast <3
Boost(s) of the week
When I had just finishing my talk on Bruges.
When Stephan Oberstedt came up to me after my talk and told me I gave a great talk.  
When I met this scientist from Uppsala who approached me and told me he really liked my blog and my outreach work. 
When I came back to Oslo and I met Alexandra and Anders <3 
When I was sitting in the Jacuzzi, as we were sailing out of Oslo on Friday, with all three kids and Anders, and a glass of Champagne.
Bummer(s) of the week
I’ll give you two.
1) The horrible night in Bruges, when it was hot as hell, and I was eaten up by mosquitos. It still itches and hurts like crazy.
2) When Alexandra told me I always go away when she’s with us. This is of course not true, but it breaks my heart that she might feel this way. And then I had to leave both Alexandra and Anders this afternoon to go on science/technology tour. I miss them both already.
Theme of the week
Neutrons. Surprise! 
So I talk a lot about neutrons these days, and it’ll probably continue for a while. When I think about my PhD now (which I do quite often), I immediately think neutrons.
Stress, like before. 
I admit it: I’m stressed now. I’m stressed about the neutrons we see in our detectors, and I’m stressed about my PhD – fearing that if we/I don’t manage to take properly ”care” of those stupid neutrons, I won’t get my PhD. And when I think that I might not get my PhD, I get more stressed, and then I think more about neutrons, and then more about not getting my PhD, and so on...:P
Supervisor Sunniva is my person of the week 🙂 
We’ve travelled together to Brussles and then Bruges; we were thrown out of first class at the train twice (first we didn’t know there was a first class, then we thought we had left first class, but apparently we hadn’t, and I don't think we were the conductor's favourite people that evening), survived more than 30 degrees in our hotel rooms and one million mosquitos. She’s an awesome supervisor and travel companion, always super positive!

This was taken yesterday. A very happy Alexandra has just gotten the biggest candy floss - a perfect way to end the day at Tivoli in Copenhagen 😀

105 days left before I have to finish the PhD:

-       up at 4:30 AM
-       travelled from Bruges to Brussels to the airport (LOTS of security there...)
-       thought quite a lot about neutrons (I’ve got some questions about these, and i’ll try to explain in more detail when I have more time 😉 )
-       just got to Oslo; to meet Anders, Alexandra, my sister, Andrea and Arian (niece and nephew), and my mother – we’ll have a real family weekend in Copenhagen (and on the boat – mostly on the boat, actually)

Most of the pictures I've taken this last week is of slides, which I really don't think you'd like to see 😉 But there are a couple onhes from outside the conference. Basically  they're from the trip down and the trip back, and when we eat.

I thought this was a little bit funny; isn't breakfast sort of by definition in the morning..? 😛

So I started this blogpost on Sunday, actually, but it was first now I’ve had the time to continue and finish – and of course, most of what I wrote on Sunday (like being at Gardermoen, drinking a glass of wine, on my way to conference) is not true anymore. Now I amat the Nuclear Data 2016 conference, and this first one of three crazy weeks is going to an end.
So here’s s small recap of this week:
-       I gave my talk yesterday – it went quite well, I think
-       We have discussed quite a lot about what to do about the neutrons that we know are part of what we see in our gamma detectors (I’m really looking forward to get all the new detectors, that will be able to distinguish between neutrons and gammas!)
-       I still get quite nervous about talking to other scientists, but it’s better now than it was before
-       it’s very hot here – more than 30 degrees
-       it’s very hot in my hotel room (no AC) – probably more than 30 degrees, and if I open the window, I get many many many mosquito bites (temperature and mosquitos are the reasons why I only slept for max one hour at the time this night, and that I had to get up three times to take a super quick shower just to cool down)
-       Bruges is a very beautiful city. Unfortunately there’s not much time to see much when you travel to these kinds of conferences, but I’ve seen enough to know that this is a place I need to get back to with Anders – it really seems like the ideal place for a romantic weekend <3
-       the top people in IAEA, NEA and other such organisations are not able (at least none were able this week) to give a speech with any kind of substance. For example, one of the top people of one of these organisations basically said I’m a biologist, you’re nerds, I’m too important to stay here for the conference*, water’s becoming more and more important. Maybe I’m naïve, but I’d think those kinds of people were able to at least give motivating speeches to 400 scientist…
-       I’ve learned a little bit more about (prompt) fission gamma rays
-       I now know we need to analyse the plutonium experiment so that we hopefully can use that as a test to if we manage to estimate how much neutrons we measure together with our gammas
-       there are a lot of things I don’t understand, and I feel kind of stupid for much of the time (I don’t think it’s all my fault, though, since I think many of the speakers don’t really think about us in the audience – that we should be able to understand what they’re saying, and maybe even learn something)
-       Americans are mostly good at giving talks, and not just because they don’t have language issues; they’ re simply (often) good at explaining what they’re doing, in a simple language, and they don’t forget that 90% of the people in the audience are actually not experts in exactly the same field as themselves

-       there are actually people wearing corderoi pants here
-       I just heard someone using the word ”guesstimate”, which is just an awesome word, completely covering the process of getting rid of these neutrons 😀

The ”crazy” part of these three weeks is that I’m going to be ”on the road” for most of the time:
On Sunday I left Oslo, for Brussels, and then Bruges. Tomorrow I’m going back to Oslo, only to go directly on the boat to Copenhagen (Family trip, with Anders, Alexandra, my sister, her kids, and our mother). We’re coming back to Oslo on Sunday morning, and then I need to get back home and quickly re-pack my bags, before I’ll meet NHO just after lunch. Then I’m starting the two weeks long #jenterogteknologi-tour: we’re going to visit en different cities all around Norway – a new one every day, and I’ll be giving a talk in all of these cities. It really is all around Norway; from Kristiansand in the south, to Alta in the North, and we’ll be driving around in a van 😀 Luckily I get to go home and see Anders and Alexandra next weekend, but it will be sad to only see both of them once a week for three weeks (I saw them last weekend, and I’ll meet them this weekend, and then the weekend after).
I’m looking forward to October now, and ”only” having to finish my PhD…
Unfortunately, I’ll miss the very end of the conference, since  have to be back in Oslo by noon’ish tomorrow. This means I have to be on the train from Bruges at 6AM. Hopefully then I can sleep on the train.

*He din’t say that he was too important, but he made a point out of leaving just after the first Keynote session. The other things he actually said…